Here, Sriman Sudarshan Prabhu discusses Sri Prapanna Jivanamrtam in Thailand, 2023.
Srila Bhaktivinod’s Prophecy – Lecture by Devasis
Here is a lecture by Sriman Devasis Prabhu from London, UK, given live on May 13, 2020.
The lecture was given on Facebook at
Sripad Ramai Pr Archan Niketana speaks
We invite you to share memories of Sripad Ramai Prabhu with us.
CLICK HERE to view the video on YouTube.
Enthusiasm, Sriman Jagadananda Prabhu speaking.
Here we present Sriman Jagadananda Prabhu speaking about Enthusiasm and other subjects.
We’ve uploaded some more files recently, mostly in the Audiobooks section.
We’re still having problems with the site, the only thing up is the File Zone.
Please check it out, a Resource For Devotees And The Aspiring.
More soon.